Configuring DTMF Tones for Test Calls

By default, the device plays the DTMF signal tone "3212333" to remote tested endpoints for answered calls (incoming and outgoing). For basic test calls (as described in Configuring Basic Test Calls), the device can play only the configured DTMF tones (or none, if not configured). For test call endpoints that are configured in the Test Call Rules table, you can configure the device to play either DTMF tones or a tone from an installed PRT file (Test Call Tone). For more information, see Configuring Test Call Endpoints.

You can configure the DTMF signaling type (e.g., out-of-band or in-band) using the 'DTMF Transport Type' [DTMFTransportType] parameter.
To generate DTMF tones, the device's DSP resources are required.
To configure played DTMF signal to answered test call:
1. Open the Test Call Settings page (Troubleshoot menu > Troubleshoot tab > Test Call folder > Test Call Settings).
2. In the 'Test Call DTMF String' field, enter the DTMF string (up to 15 digits):

3. Click Apply.